Latest Nor’Easter About To Slam Southern Vermont
For the updated 24-hour post-storm totals see Nor’Beaster or Nor’Incher?
Southern Vermont, get ready to swim in some powder.
The second big snowstorm in a week is about to hit the entire state of Vermont, and southern Vermont will be hit particularly hard. If you haven’t called in sick already…ahem…
(If you need help coming up with excuses to get out of work, Killington’s got you covered.)
“Lucy may be stretching and getting ready to pull the football away from Charlie Brown,” he wrote in a Facebook post, “but it is a very real possibility we miss the meat of it tonight and tomorrow morning.”
Then, as a consolation: “It’s still going to snow. Just going to take time to get to 6-12. It won’t be like some major overnight dump, though. Just a nice steady light accumulation over 48 hours.”
Check back here for snow total updates and updated forecast maps.